Sharing Our Songs & Stories/Threads Through Creation
On the 13th of June, Priory Arts and Leominster Museum combined to create a schools event at Leominster Priory, which celebrated not only the wonderful ‘Threads Through Creation’ exhibition currently on at the Priory, but also the work of Ella Mary Leather. Children from eight local schools worked with Hilary Norris, Enid Gill, and Julia Bishop to recreate the Creation story told in the needlework panels, using in part music collected by Ella Mary Leather over 100 years ago. More than 100 children performed, and the church was packed with their audience. It was a very inspiring event. Here are some of the responses afterwards:
- The diversity of all the schools and inclusivity of the special needs school too was marvellous
- Very life affirming
- It was lovely to see all the children come together from all the local schools
- It was very creative and imaginative
- Very much so, very well put together
- It was joyful. The mixture of dance and music told the creation story very well. The children performed and sang very well and the piano and violin playing was exceptional. I am glad there was no clapping between the pieces.
Thank you to everyone who worked so very hard to make this such a success!
![20240613_164107[1] Creation Schools Concert](https://leominstermuseum.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/20240613_1641071-1024x768.jpg)