50th Anniversary
Leominster Museum first opened its doors to the public in 1972. The charity trustees decided to celebrate this momentous anniversary during the Queen’s platinum Jubilee celebrations in early June 2022.
There were two events:
A birthday party for over 60 guests at the Museum on Saturday 4th June, with a large cake, which was jointly cut by Trish Marsh, Leominster’s Mayor, and Elizabeth Thomas, one of the Museum’s original founders. During the afternoon, the party was visited by Kyiv, the huge Leominster lion puppet created by the Fetch theatre Company for the Jubilee weekend. Everybody was very pleased to see him!
On the 15th June, a fundraising supper was held at The Cider Barn Restaurant near Pembridge. On a beautiful summer evening, over 30 people enjoyed an excellent meal and a lively auction of promises, led by Geoffrey Crofts